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97% Weiterempfehlung

Daniel Lampe

Ihr Ansprechpartner

+49 3841 753 - 7657 Anfrage per E-Mail

Economic policy and management


  • Globalisation, regional integration and geopolitical trends
  • Global trade facilitation (WTO, Asia-pacific trade, agreement, regional trade deals)
  • International trade theories and policies
  • International monetary system, balance of payments and foreign exchange markets
  • Ethical aspects and intercultural factors in international trade
  • Manifestations of international trade I: basic forms of trade and trade intermediaries
  • Manifestations of international trade II: tolling, licensing, cooperation
  • Manifestations of international trade III: countertrade
  • Manifestations of international trade IV: foreign direct investment (FDI)
  • Manifestations of international trade V: multinational enterprises (MNEs)

Learning outcomes

Students are able to critically reflect upon implications of international trading activities based upon the theories, policies, parameters and techniques of international trade in order to evaluate international trade flows and transactions.

Credit points

