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Part-time programme
Master's in Lighting Design

Master Lighting Design | WINGS-Fernstudium

Part-time programme
Master's in Lighting Design

Master Lighting Design | WINGS-Fernstudium
Robert Friedrich

Robert Friedrich

Your contact person

+49 3841 753 - 5142 Inquire through E-Mail +49 174 4028 245


The international Master’s programme comprises of focussed lectures in Wismar, Berlin and Bangkok. The lectures are taught in English, ensuring that the programme remains open to all who are interested from around the world. The course incorporates valuable lessons learned from the Wismar-based programme which has developed into a highly sought after course of study with an established faculty. Students consistently evaluate the study programme positively. Additional influence was brought by the expertise of the WINGS Company, which currently educates more than 5,100 online and professional part time students for example from the USA. The course was developed on the basis of experience, which was gained from classes, training programmes and courses offered both domestically and abroad.

Workshop locations

2 fixed Workshop and examination locations in Germany: Wismar, Berlin.
1 fixed Workshop and examination location in Thailand: Bangkok.
Master Lighting Design locations

Alternative examination date

Each module is completed with an examination. These are assignments, presentations, project work and written exams. If you do not take your written exam on our workshop dates, you can take the exam on an alternative date by individual arrangement with your study coordinator, conveniently online, e.g. from home.


The content of the curriculum was devised from the training concept put forth by the European Lighting Designers Association, ELDA (now PLDA). After discussions with lighting designers and luminaire manufacturers, the content was extended and completed. We were actively encouraged by the professionals to start this part time programme first time in winter semester 2012/13.

Example of a semester timetable: 1. Semester

Master Lighting Design timetable