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Fernstudium Lichtdesign

Master Lighting Design | WINGS-Fernstudium

Fernstudium Lichtdesign

Master Lighting Design | WINGS-Fernstudium
Robert Friedrich

Robert Friedrich

Ihr Ansprechpartner

+49 3841 753 - 5142 Anfrage per E-Mail +49 174 4028 245

Expenses and financing

The tuition fee of 3,900 EUR* (approx. 4.450 USD) per semester includes all teaching and examination costs, class materials and of course the costs for the Master´s thesis. Practical workshops, event catering and two day excursion are included, as well as accommodation expenses at our headquarters in Wismar and the other international Locations in Berlin and Bangkok.

Private Financing

Our part time programme is structured to meet the needs of the working person, so that you may complete your studies and maintain professional and financial stability. The state promotes your continuing education through individual tax incentives. Depending on your individual income and your professional situation, you can claim the expenses of the part time course as tax deductible professional expenses or special expenses so that receive total or partial reimbursement. For more detailed advice, please address your tax consultant or your responsible tax office.


Financing by the Employer

Many enterprises support the continuing education of their employees by granting a leave of absence or financial support. Within the framework of individual agreements/ contracts there is the possibility to integrate your qualification aims into a personal development concept. Further sponsorship is possible for German armed forces members for example by the BFD.