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Über WINGS | WINGS-Fernstudium
Claudia Gasch

Claudia Gasch

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

+49 3841 753 - 7586 Anfrage per E-Mail +49 152 2715 9234
Prof. Jan Ejhed

Starting lighting design career in the 70th, Prof. Ejhad opened his own practice in the 80th, which is still running. He shifted his time with teaching and research project at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Jan Ejhad  is Founder of the Lighting Laboratory at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, 2000. International Masters’ and research programs.

Experience/ Projects

Own practices are Museum of Modern Art, Arlanda Airport, Masterplan for Royal Djurgården, Stockholm, The Prime Minister’s office and Swedish Embassies of Tokyo, Madrid and Helsinki.