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Über WINGS 2024 | WINGS-Fernstudium
20 Jahre WINGS-Fernstudium | Deniel Krotter
20 Jahre WINGS | WINGS-Fernstudium
Diana Brechlin 20 Jahre WINGS-Fernstudium | WINGS-Fernstudium
20 Jahre WINGS | WINGS-Fernstudium
Daniel Müller Olympiastützpunkt | WINGS-Fernstudium
20 Jahre WINGS | WINGS-Fernstudium
Claudia Gasch

Claudia Gasch

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

+49 3841 753 5856 Anfrage per E-Mail +49 152 2715 9234
Prof. Dr. Harald Hofmann

Career at Technische Universität Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt):

  • Electrical Engineering studies 
  • Assistant teacher at the department of Electrical Engineering
  • Guest lecturer at the department of Architecture
  • Research in Traffic Lighting Technology on behalf of  "Fraunhofer Gesellschaft" 
  • 1975: Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) from the department of Electrical Engineering
  • Since 1997:
  • Professor for "Building Design and Lighting Technology" at the department of Architecture.
  • Since 2011:
  • Head of the study group “Lighting” at the department of Architecture

Career in Industry 1979 through 2003:

  • ERCO GmbH, Luedenscheid
  • Head of Lighting Research and Application


  • 2004 through 2010:
  • Research coordination and research consultancy for OSRAM AG in the field of 
  • “LED Technologies”
  • on behalf of  the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Teaching Positions

  • Hochschule Wismar, Faculty Design in professional Master´s course „Architectural Lighting Design“
  • Züricher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften ZHAW,
  • „Professionelle Lichtplanung in der Architektur“

Book Publications

(amongst others)

  • „Handbuch der Lichtplanung“
    Rüdiger Ganslandt, Harald Hofmann
    Verlag Vieweg, 1992
    ISBN 3-528-08895-8