Study Report

Larisa Andrea Coto Villalobos, Costa Rica

1. Why did you decide to study the master’s programme Green Architecture?

I decided this master, because of the opportunities in these days to expand my knowledge in sustainable terms. For me is essential that every process from the design to the construction of any building needs to be according with the environment.

2. What are the benefits you experienced during the study, professionally and personally?
During this master, I experienced the opportunity to be part of a group of different countries and cultures, personally I think that part of an international master is to interact and learn from experiences of other people. Professionally, I think this study is 100% complete with the high standards of every professor and the knowledge of each one in the different themes that were addressed.

3. What makes this study programme unique?
The opportunity to visit and experienced different cities and get to know it from local people in every field that was presented in each city.

4. How do you like the study concept, self-directed study combined with on campus seminars (workshop weeks, excursions)?
The campus seminars and excursions were my favorite part, I think these should be at least 2 weeks minimum. The excursions are a very practical way to understand the themes and to visualize it from a better point of view, so the self-directed study become easier.

5. How do you deal about the exchange and cooperation with your study colleagues and lecturers?
We made a very multicultural and nice group of almost every continent, the idea to know a little bit more of different countries and languages were a vital part in this master. The lecturers once again were exceptional, the idea of having people with such a level of knowledge in every field, makes this master a very high standard study programme.